Following our Call for Themes at the end of 2023, DSxHE will be holding two theme drop in sessions later this month.
These will be a chance for those interested in leading their own Theme to chat with DSxHE’s Community Manager, members of the organising team, and existing Theme leads who can discuss what DSxHE can offer for Themes.
If you’d like to shine a light on a specific area of interest in data science and health equity, and want to tap into the DSxHE community to augment your work and the work of others, then setting up a DSxHE Theme might be just the thing for you.
Though open to all areas of data science and health equity, we are especially keen to hear from people interested in leading (or joining) a Genomics or Infectious Diseases Theme.
Drop in sessions will take place on the below dates, please join by clicking the Zoom links...
Thursday 25th January at 1pm - Zoom
Tuesday 30th January at 6pm - Zoom